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Constitutive Assembly of the «Swiss Network with Ukraine»
On July 1, the external page Swiss Network with Ukraine was constituted as an association. Former D-ARCH professor Kees Christiaanse is the interim chair, Prof. Andreas Wieser is one of the founding members. ETH Zurich supports the Network, which promotes cooperation among individuals and initiatives, both Ukrainian and international, working towards the reconstruction of Ukraine. It aims at facilitating related emergency actions and reconstruction during the war, preparation of post-war reconstruction, support during post-war reconstruction, as well as research and education related to these purposes. The Mapping Ukraine project is one of the thematic clusters of the Network.

"Young researcher prize 2024": Dr. Annelies Voordendag
Congratulations to Dr. Annelies Voordendag who was awarded the "Nachwuchspreis" (young researcher prize) 2024 of the Climate Change Centre Austria for her external page paper on the Glacier Loss Day.
The "Glacier Loss Day" is an indicator of the glacier's imbalance with the persistently warming climate and was derived from daily terrestrial laser scanning acquisitions over an Austrian glacier.
Dr. Annelies Voordendag presented the work and received the prize during the external page "24rd Climate Day" at the TU Wien (Vienna, Austria) on 4 April 2024.

DGK doctoral student seminar 2023
We hosted the 13th Download doctoral student seminar (PDF, 105 KB) of the Engineering Geodesy section of the German Geodetic Commission (DGK) from 8-9 November 2023. We had about 90 participants, and the 12 oral presentations during the two days were followed by lively discussions.

Group retreat in the Bernese alps
We shared a wonderful time together, combining work with hiking and exploring the Guttannen area (Canton of Bern) on our 3 days of group retreat. The retreat helped us reflect on our research activities with deepened understanding of the group performance, goals and future directions. Thank you Lorenz and Nathalie for organizing and coordinating this year's retreat.

Academic guest from UPV, Spain
We welcome Raquel Luján García-Muñoz from the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), Spain as an academic guest in GSEG. Raquel is pursuing her PhD in the department of cartographic engineering geodesy and photogrammetry, UPV and will stay in GSEG for 3 months. She is working towards the development of an atmospheric correction model from a meteorological sensor network.

Helena Laasch received an ÖbVI-Petersen-Award for a poster presentation about her Master’s thesis “Registration of TLS Point Clouds for Long-Range Geomonitoring Applications”. This recognition is awarded to the three best student posters each year at the Terrestrial Laser Scanning Seminar of DVW (German Association for Geodesy, Geoinformation and Land Management). We congratulate Helena!

Creating air refractivity variations inside our laboratory
We have constructed a 27 m long electrical heating tube inside our Geodetic Metrology Laboratory. Air temperature variations inside the tube change the air refractivity, which is then used to study refractivity-dependent distance errors in our EDM experiments.

27th FIG Congress, Warsaw, Poland
M.Sc. students Helena Laasch, Nathalie Ryter and Isabelle Steffen presented the results of their interdisciplinary project at the 27th FIG congress in Warsaw, Poland. The paper is entitled "external page Automated inspection within galleries of large dams".

Best Oral Presentation JISDM 2022
Congratulations to Pabitro Ray, doctoral student and GSEG staff member, who has won the award for best oral presentation at the external page Joint International Symposium on Deformation Monitoring (JISDM) 2022 in Valencia, Spain.
The conference took place from June 20 - 22, 2022 and Pabitro Ray presented a paper entitled "High-precision intermode-beating EDM for mitigation of atmospheric delays"

Research cooperation with HEIG-VD
Lecturer UAS Franck Schmidt and Bachelor student Quentin Grezet from the external page School of Management and Engineering Vaud (HEIG-VD) are investigating the performance of low-cost total stations in GSEG's geodetic metrology lab. In the walk-in climate chamber the instrument performance was tested over a wide temperature range from -15 °C to 35 °C, and with the automated EDM-Comparator the instruments electronic distance measurement unit was tested for instrumental offset, scale and cyclic errors.

Paper presentation at CVPR 2020
Two of our papers are accepted as orals at CVPR 2021: Zan Gojcic is the first author of external page "Weakly Supervised Learning of Rigid 3D Scene Flow", and Shengyu Huang of external page "PREDATOR: Registration of 3D Point Clouds with Low Overlap". This is fantastic given that only 27% of the submitted papers were accepted and only 17% of those were selected as orals!

GeoBIMAward 2020
The Digital Underground project was recognized with an award for "Excellence in Subsurface Mapping" at the GEOBIM conference on 3 December 2020.

Paper presentation at CVPR 2019
Doctoral students Zan Gojcic and Caifa Zhou have presented a external page paper at CVPR 2019 in Long Beach. It introduces a new approach to extracting 3d deformation data from point clouds.

Best Oral Presentation JISDM 2019
Congratulations to Zan Gojcic, doctoral student and GSEG staff member, who has won the award for best oral presentation at the external page Joint International Symposium on Deformation Monitoring (JISDM) 2019 in Athens (GR).
The conference took place from May 15 - 17, 2019 and Zan Gojcic presented a paper with the title Download "Robust pointwise correspondences for point cloud based deformation monitoring of natural scenes" (PDF, 5.6 MB).

Installation of Acoustic Mirrors in the HPH foyer (2019)
To achieve a perfect acoustic performance, two acoustic mirrors must be aligned vertically and horizontally with millimetre precision.
A GSEG employee was involved in the realization of the acoustic mirror project of the D-ARCH Dbt team in cooperation with D-PHYS in the HPH foyer in February 2019.
The GSEG-group is always interested in and supports exciting projects with geodetic services.

Appointment (2019)
Prof. A. Wieser was appointed member of the external page Federal Commission of Cadastral Surveying (Geometerkommission) as of 2019 by the Swiss Government.