Past News

Enlarged view: Caifa Zhou: Best Student Paper IPIN 2018
Best Student Paper IPIN 2018

Best Student Paper IPIN (2018)

Congratulations to Caifa Zhou, doctoral student and staff at GSEG, who has won the award for best student paper at the external page International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN) 2018 in Nantes, FR. The conference took place from September 24 – 27, 2018 and Caifa Zhou presented a paper with the title Download "Compound dissimilarity measure and an application to fingerprinting-based positioning" (PDF, 753 KB). The price was endowed with EUR 1,000.

Enlarged view: Workshop with students
Workshop with students

Workshop with students

200 years of public surveying in Switzerland. 200 years Kern. 100 years Wild, now Leica Geosystems. These anniversaries shall be leveraged to make a broader public aware of the many contributions of Geomatics. Leica Geosystems invited students, alumni and representatives from Geomatics practice to discuss opportunities and ideas for a related awareness campaign. Based on "pearl diving" in the stimulating atmosphere of the cloister Fischingen the participants identified promising possibilities for presenting an attractive occupational field. Small groups individually worked out specific "pearls" while networking between the various academic institutions and stakeholders. The ideas will now be elaborated by a communication agency. We are excited about the upcoming actions and events, which will help the public to notice the world of Geomatics!

Enlarged view: GOM Education Award
GOM Education Award

GOM Education Award (2017)

Geomatics students Tobias Duewell, Valens Frangez and Ursula Kälin were selected by an international expert jury as winners of the external page GOM Education Award, presented by GOM Metrology. They created a lab experiment dealing with a 3D scanning scenario from forensics under the name of “Mystery Solving Using Industrial Metrology”.

Besides receiving a price of EUR 3,000, the winning team had a chance to present their project idea in front of more than 750 metrology specialist from all over the World at the GOM Conference in Braunschweig, Germany on September 27 2017.

Ingenieurvermessungskurs 2017 (TU Graz)
Ingenieurvermessungskurs 2017 (TU Graz)

Ingenieurvermessungskurs (2017)

At the end of April 2017, the 18th International Conference on Engineering Surveying (external page Ingenieurvermessungskurs 2017) was held at Technische Universität Graz. Professor Wieser's group has successfully organised an all-day tutorial "external page Monitoring mit Terrestrischem Laserscanning (TLS)" and was present with two lectures (external page presentations and posters).

Enlarged view: DGK Doktorandenseminar 2016
DGK Doktorandenseminar 2016

DGK Doktorandenseminar (2016)

The 6th postgraduate seminar of DGK/Ingenieurgeodäsie (external page Deutsche Geodätische Kommission - German Geodetic Commission/Engineering Geodesy) was organised by GSEG and has taken place at ETH Zurich Hönggerberg on 20th and 21st June 2016 with over 40 participants from German, Austrian and Swiss Universities.

Enlarged view: Gotthard Base Tunnel opening (2016)
Gotthard Base Tunnel opening (2016)

Gotthard Base Tunnel opening (2016)

The Gotthard Base Tunnel will be officially opened on 4 and 5 June 2016. ETH Zurich will be represented by seven projects, of which two are organised by GSEG. The two booths about tunneling are located in the Mobility Hall in Rynächt. Read more about the role of ETH in the Gotthard Base Tunnel and the external page public event of the opening.

Enlarged view: Geomatics students of University of Calgary visiting ETH (2016)
Geomatics students of University of Calgary visiting ETH (2016)

Geomatics students of University of Calgary visiting ETH (2016)

In May 2016 approximately 25 Geomatics students of the University of Calgary with Professor Kyle O'Keefe have visited ETH Zurich. To begin, Professor Andreas Wieser as Director of Studies in Geomatic Engineering and Planning welcomed the visitors and talked about ETH Zurich, the Department and the study program. Afterwards two PhD students and one Postdoc presented their research before a guided tour of the calibration lab took place. Finally, the Student Association GUV went with the students to have lunch together and accompanied them on guided tour of Zurich.

Enlarged view: Cultural Surveying in Scheikh Abd’el-Qurnah
Cultural Surveying in Scheikh Abd’el-Qurnah

Surveying Cultural Heritage in Scheikh Abd’el-Qurnah

Two master students and one assistant joined an interdisciplinary team near Luxor that works within the project called "Life Histories of Theban Tombs which is led by the Department of Ancient Civilisations/Egyptology of the University of Basel. During this second campaign, 3D laser scans of several tomb complexes and the adjacent area were acquired and used to complement the models from 2015. In addition, highly detailed 3D models of rocks and chisel marks were acquired with a structured light scanner. They are used to determine the original position of the rocks from where they might have fallen down and to obtain information about how many stone masons might have worked on a tomb. Furthermore, the structured light scanner was used to acquire 3D information of mummy parts, ceramics, and other objects. Their 3D models allow measuring distances at the computer without having the need of direct access to the object at a later stage. By changing the illumination of the models, also small features emerge and may deliver new information. Read more about "Surveying Cultural Heritage".

JISDM best presentation award
JISDM best presentation award

JISDM 2016: best presentation award for Jemil Butt

PhD student and GSEG staff member Jemil Butt has won the award for best presentation at the International Symposium on Deformation Modelling (JISDM) 2016 in Vienna. The conference took place from 30th March to 1st April 2016 (external page, Jemil's presentation was about "Intrinsic random functions for mitigation of atmospheric effects in ground based radar interferometry" (Download JISDM 2016 Abstract (PDF, 7 KB)).

Igloo Village
Igloo Village

Igloo Village

Geomatics engineers from the Institute of Geodesy and Photogrammetry of ETH Zürich are monitoring the internal shape of the igloo using terrestrial laser scanning. A 3D model of the internal surface of the igloo will be produced at various stages of its life. As a result, the spatial deformations of this very special building can be determined. In addition, the investigation will also focus on the reflecting properties of the snow surface progressively turning into ice. Igloo Village Zermatt

Award for Master Thesis of J. Clerc

Jonas Clerc has completed his Master Thesis at the Institute of Geodesy and Photogrammetry under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Andreas Wieser and Dr. Sébastien Guillaume as well as of Dipl. Ing. Matthias Kistler from swisstopo. In the context of the Master program swisstopoEDU (external page of the Federal Office of Topography Jonas Clerc has been awarded for his outstanding work  „Automated Measurement of Passive Targets for Dam Monitoring using an Image-Assisted Theodolite“.