Research questions in Engineering Geodesy are often triggered by unsolved problems or unexpected results related to measurements and data processing of geometric parameters in the context of engineering projects. We therefore strive to stay in close contact with practitioners, companies, agencies and research institutions requiring geodetic services. Often, we just support in finding appropriate solutions, service providers outside academia or research partners. Sometimes, however, the required solutions are not yet available or not clear and the problems are close to our research focus areas, and we benefit from the opportunity to collaborate either through students or research staff.

We benefit from this close exchange by staying aware of application challenges in the areas of our chair. This has an impact on our teaching, leads to early opportunities for applying our research results in real-world applications and leads to highly interesting research opportunities linking our core research to applications. Additionally, application oriented research activities help our research staff to enhance their practical skills and field work experience which are important assets for engineering geodesy.
- Sensor Systems for Digital Fabrication
- Monitoring of the Bisglacier with Terrestrial Radar Interferometry
- Surveying cultural heritage
- Igloo Village Zermatt
- Hinterrhein-Bridge
- Feature based approaches for point cloud based geomonitoring
- Spatially continuous dam monitoring
- Alignment system for particle accelerators based on a structured laser beam
- Project Mapping Ukraine